
Tuscarora Framework is now Open Source  

Tuscarora is a framework for developing highly scalable and portable Network Patterns (NP) and applications. The Framework serves as the narrow waist of the system, decoupling the Application Layer and the Network Patterns from the underlying radio and hardware platform, enabling portability, scalability and extensibility. Tuscarora was partly funded by DARPA.

The source has been released on GitHub at https://github.com/Samraksh/Tuscarora/. Learn More.



About Samraksh  


 Wireless Sensor Network Expertise We are experts in low-power, reliable wireless sensor networks (WSN) with world-class experience and deep, innovative research into the hardware, software and algorithmic issues they present. We design, manufacture and sell inexpensive high-performance, low-power, scalable and easy-to-program components and systems.

WSN-Enabling Products Besides the eMote .NOW and the BumbleBee highlighted below,  we also provide a range of other sensors and supporting items. Complete network solutions can be deployed using these components.


When you install VIsual Studio and the Micro Framework SDK, you may find that you still cannot create a Micro Framework project. That's because the Visual Studio integrator that comes with the SDK failed to install. Instead, you can do it manually. Get the appropriate Visual Studio Integrator and install it. You should now be able to create an MF project.